1、《心理学与生活》(Psychology and Life) - Richard J. Gerrig 和 Philip G. Zimbardo
2、《心理学导论》(Introduction to Psychology) - Paul G. Thompson
3、《心理学原理》(Principles of Psychology) - William James
4、《社会心理学》(Social Psychology) - David Myers
5、《发展心理学》(Developmental Psychology) - Deborah Haddock
6、《认知心理学》(Cognitive Psychology) - E. Bruce Goldstein
7、《生物心理学》(Biopsychology) - Robert L. Sapolsky
8、《实验心理学》(Experimental Psychology) - John N. Eccles
9、《临床心理学》(Clinical Psychology) - Judith S. Beck
10、《心理测量学》(Psychometrics) - Richard A. Shaffer 和 Donald T. Wilson
1、《儿童发展心理学》(Child Development Psychology) - Deborah Haddock
2、《婚姻与家庭治疗》(Marriage and Family Therapy) - Stephen M. Engelberg 等
3、《认知行为疗法入门》(An Introduction to Cognitive Behavior Therapy) - Judith S. Beck
4、《心理动力学治疗入门》(An Introduction to Psychodynamic Therapy) - Carl J. Rogers
5、《人际沟通技巧》(Interpersonal Communication Skills) - Timothy A. Pychyl
6、《情绪智商》(Emotional Intelligence) - Travis Bradberry 和 Jean Greaves
7、《应对压力与焦虑》(Coping with Stress and Anxiety) - Ronald A. Cohen
8、《解决冲突的艺术》(The Art of Conflict Resolution) - Douglas F. Johnson
9、《增强自我意识》(Enhancing Self-Awareness) - Theron Q. Colquhoun 等
10、《正念练习指南》(The Mindfulness Exercises Handbook) - Mark Williams 和 Danny Penman
1、《咨询技巧》(Counseling Skills) - Gerald M. Weinberg
2、《咨询案例分析》(Case Analysis in Counseling) - Gerald M. Weinberg
3、《咨询策略与方法》(Counseling Strategies and Methods) - Gerald M. Weinberg
4、《咨询实践中的伦理问题》(Ethical Issues in Counseling Practice) - Gerald M. Weinberg
5、《心理咨询中的人际关系处理》(Handling Interpersonal Relationships in Counseling Practice) - Gerald M. Weinberg
6、《心理咨询中的诊断与评估》(Diagnosing and Assessment in Counseling Practice) - Gerald M. Weinberg
7、《心理咨询中的治疗计划与跟踪》(Creating Treatment Plans and Tracking Progress in Counseling Practice) - Gerald M. Weinberg
8、《心理咨询中的团体工作》(Group Work in Counseling Practice) - Gerald M. Weinberg
9、《心理咨询中的危机干预》(Crisis Intervention in Counseling Practice) - Gerald M. Weinberg
10、《心理咨询中的转介与合作》(Referral and Collaboration in Counseling Practice) - Gerald M. Weinberg