1、您好,欢迎光临!(Hello, welcome to our restaurant!)
2、请问您有预定吗?(Do you have a reservation?)
3、请问您需要什么帮助?(How can I help you?)
4、请问您有什么特殊要求吗?(Do you have any special requests?)
5、请问您需要喝点什么?(What would you like to drink?)
6、请问您需要开胃菜还是主食?(Would you like an appetizer or the main course?)
7、请问您需要加餐或甜点吗?(Would you like dessert or another dish?)
8、请问您需要多少人份的食物?(How many people does this meal serve?)
9、请问您喜欢辣的还是不辣的口味?(Do you prefer spicy or non-spicy food?)
10、请问您对我们的菜单有什么了解吗?(Do you have any questions about our menu?)
11、请问您需要我帮您推荐一些特色菜品吗?(Would you like me to recommend some specialties for you?)
12、请问您对我们的服务满意吗?(How was your service with us?)
13、请问您需要结账吗?(Do you need to settle the bill?)
14、请问您需要开发票吗?(Do you need a receipt/invoice?)
15、请问您需要打包吗?(Would you like to take out your meal to go?)
16、请问您还需要其他服务吗?(Is there anything else I can help you with?)
17、谢谢您的光临,祝您用餐愉快!(Thank you for coming, have a great meal!)
18、如果有任何问题,请随时告诉我们。(Please let us know if you have any questions.)
19、我们期待您的下次光临!(We look forward to seeing you again soon!)
20、请保持桌面整洁,不要浪费食物。(Please keep the table clean and don't waste food.)
21、如果您需要任何帮助,请随时叫服务员。(If you need any help, please call the waiter/waitress at any time.)
22、我们会竭诚为您服务,希望您能享受美好的用餐体验。(We will do our best to serve you and hope you have a wonderful dining experience.)
23、如果您的座位有变动,请及时告知我们。(If your seating arrangement changes, please let us know in advance.)
24、请在用餐过程中保持安静,以免影响其他顾客。(Please keep quiet during the meal so as not to disturb other customers.)
25、如果您需要任何饮料或小吃,请随时告诉我们。(If you need any drinks or snacks, please let us know at any time.)
26、我们会尽快为您上菜,请您稍等片刻。(We will serve your food as soon as possible, just wait a moment please.)
27、如果您的菜品有问题,请立即告知我们。(If there is something wrong with your dishes, please let us know immediately.)
28、我们会尽快为您解决问题。(We will try our best to resolve the issue for you as soon as possible.)
29、如果您对我们的服务有任何意见或建议,请随时告诉我们。(If you have any comments or suggestions about our service, please feel free to tell us.)
30、我们会认真倾听您的意见,不断改进我们的服务质量。(We will carefully listen to your opinions and constantly improve our service quality.)